Psychology is a social science that helps students better understand and interpret scientific information and ways to apply quantitative tools such as statistics. Psychology is often of inherent interest to students. Taking a psychology minor provides an interesting exposure to novel and exciting ideas that students would not otherwise encounter and can be of great use to students who are majoring in other fields. For example, students taking a pre-med curriculum find a psychology minor useful for understanding the social and psychological aspects of medical care or as preparation for a career in psychiatry. Students in management and economics find coursework in social psychology, decision-making and organizational and industrial psychology to be of particular use to their careers.
For additional information on the Psychology minor at UC Merced, please visit the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts main website, or the Psychology website.
For Psychology minor requirements, please consult your catalog.
Psychology Group Courses
Students minoring in Psychology choose coursework from the following groups:
Group A (Cognition, Brain and Behavior): PSY 160-169, PSY 180-89, or COGS 100-89
Group B (Social-Personality, Development): PSY 130-39 or PSY 150-59
Group C (Applied Psychology): PSY 120-29, PSY 140-49, PSY 170-79