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Cognitive Science

Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary study of human thought and behavior. It combines methods, theories, and applications from many disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, linguistics, computer science, neuroscience, and biology. The Cognitive Science majors, B.A. and B.S., provide a broad knowledge of cognitive science, including language and communication, reasoning, memory, categorization, cognitive modeling, perception and action, philosophical foundations, artificial intelligence, cognitive engineering, and cognitive science applications for the business setting. A degree in Cognitive Science provides in-depth training in research methods, data analysis, modeling, and lab-based research, and it provides excellent training for jobs in high-tech companies. It is ideal for students who want to pursue graduate work in cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, computer science and engineering, information sciences and information management, communications, medicine, business, management, law, and education. Students can work with cognitive science faculty to tailor their own program of study to emphasize one or two specific areas within cognitive science. Example specializations include cognitive neuroscience, cognitive linguistics, computational modeling, decision sciences, and philosophy of cognitive science.

For additional information on the Cognitive Science major at UC Merced, please visit the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts website, or the Cognitive Science website.

Cognitive Science Four Year Major Plans

Below, please find four year plans for a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in Cognitive Science. Students should choose the plan that corresponds to the catalog year in which they matriculated to UC Merced. For more information on catalog rights, please click here.

Cognitive Science, B.A.


Cognitive Science Major Planning Guides

Below, please find planning guides for a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in Cognitive Science. Students should choose the planning guide that corresponds to the catalog year in which they matriculated to UC Merced. For more information on catalog rights, please click here.

Cognitive Science, B.A.



Cognitive Science, B.S.

