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SSHA General Education Requirements

These requirements below apply to students with a catalog year 2011-2012 through 2017-18.

  • Because the GE requirements inlcuded in previous catalogs informed transfer student preparation to enture UC Merced, transfer students who enter UC Mercd in the academic years 2018-19 or 2019-20 will be held to the GE requirements included in the 2017-18 Catalog.
  • Students with a catalog year of 2018-2019 or later may find their GE requirements on their Audit and their catalog.
  • Students with a catalog year of 2010-2011 or earlier should consult their Audit or their academic advisor for their appropriate GE requirements.

Students in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts are required to complete the following general education courses:

  • Students must complete a minimum of four units in each area below, which may include two 2-unit courses. Please see your advisor for information on application of transfer coursework.
  • Transfer Students: These requirements below do not apply to Transfer students. Please consult with your advisor for appropriate GE requirements.
    • Please see an academic advisor to confirm that you have completed IGETC, UC Reciprocity, or TAG to fulfill these required areas
  • These requirements below apply to students with a catalog year 2011-2012 through 2017-2018. Students with a catalog year of 2010-2011 or earlier should consult Audit or their advisor for their appropriate GE requirements.
  • Students with a catalog year of 2018-2019 or later may find their GE requirements on their Audit or their catalog.

Lower Division General Education Requirements

Upper Division General Education Requirements

* These courses must be outside of the student's major discipline.
# Students must complete a minimum of 16 units in this area. Please see your advisor for information on application of transfer coursework.