SSHA Study Abroad Participation Agreement
SSHA Advising supports students’ participation in study abroad programs through UC Education Abroad Programs (UCEAP), UC Summer Abroad (UCSA), or International Opportunities Programs (IOP). Please read the bullet points below:
For your information
- Completing Study Abroad courses will provide elective units (lower or upper division, consult with your Study Abroad Advisor).
- Study Abroad coursework may require conversion from quarter units to semester units. The formula for conversion is 1 quarter unit = ⅔ semester unit (i.e. divide quarter units by 1.5).
- Elective courses may be required to be completed at UC Merced in order to satisfy the SSHA 60 and/or 120 semester unit requirements.
- Submittal of a Course Approval Form is required to receive UC Merced course credit for courses completed abroad.
- Course Approval Forms take a minimum twelve (12) weeks for processing, but may take longer.
- Each course requires submittal of syllabus, in English, for the term you took the course in. Syllabi for Spanish credit may be submitted in Spanish. You may consider using Google Translate as a translating starting point.
- Each course requires submission of one Course Approval Form. Multiple courses may not be submitted for review in one Course Approval Form.
- In order for a document to be considered a syllabus it must include a course reading list, course assignments, and course assessment breakdown.
- Per SSHA policy, all courses completed at institutions other than UC Merced must be worth at least 3 semester units to fulfill major, minor or general education requirements at UC Merced. Courses completed under 3 semester units and approved for major, minor or general education requirements will require multiple courses be combined to satisfy one requirement).
- If you wish to earn elective credit/units only you do not need to submit a Course Approval Form.
- Participating in UCEAP, UCSA, or IOP in your last semester may require you to apply for graduation in a later term due to pending Course Approval requests and/or pending official academic records from your program. Please consult a SSHA Academic Advisor to discuss recommended participation and outstanding degree requirements.
You will receive an email via your UC Merced account notifying you of the decision made for your Course Approval Form(s).
Please be advised that final approval is contingent on confirmation of unit values and final grades; this will occur once your UCEAP academic record has been received by the UCM Office of the Registrar. Courses completed abroad are subject to applicable School and University policies. For more information, contact your academic advisor.
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